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Home / News / Industry News / Compared with traditional kraft paper, P+Series PLA Coated Kraft Paper has improved printing and processing performance

Compared with traditional kraft paper, P+Series PLA Coated Kraft Paper has improved printing and processing performance

1. Improved printing performance
Ink absorbency and color performance
During the printing process of traditional kraft paper, the ink absorbency may vary due to the roughness of the paper surface and the fiber structure, resulting in uneven ink distribution, affecting the color vividness and clarity of the printed product. The polylactic acid coating on the surface of P+Series PLA Coated Kraft Paper can evenly absorb the ink, so that the ink forms a more uniform and delicate ink layer on the paper surface, thereby improving the color expression and clarity of the printed product.
The polylactic acid coating also has a certain glossiness, which can enhance the visual effect of the printed product and make the image more three-dimensional and vivid.
Printing suitability and efficiency
Kraft paper may lose powder and hair during printing, affecting the quality of the printed product. The coating of the P+ series paper can effectively reduce the generation of paper scraps, make the printing process smoother, and improve printing efficiency.
In addition, the polylactic acid coating also has a certain wear resistance, which can resist friction and wear during the printing process and extend the service life of the printing press.
Feasibility of environmentally friendly printing
With the improvement of environmental awareness, more and more printing companies have begun to adopt environmentally friendly inks and printing processes. The polylactic acid coating of P+Series PLA Coated Kraft Paper has good compatibility with environmentally friendly inks and can meet the needs of environmentally friendly printing.
At the same time, polylactic acid, as a biodegradable material, conforms to the concept of sustainable development and helps to reduce the impact on the environment during the printing process.
2. Improvement of processing performance
Cutting and folding performance
During the cutting process, the coating of P+Series PLA Coated Kraft Paper can reduce the wear of the tool and improve the accuracy and efficiency of cutting. At the same time, the coating can also increase the toughness of the paper, making the edges after cutting flatter and smoother.
During the folding process, the polylactic acid coating can reduce the cracking and wrinkling of the paper and improve the accuracy and beauty of the folding.
Adhesion performance
The coating of the P+ series paper can enhance the bonding between the paper and the adhesive, making the bonding more firm and reliable. This helps to reduce quality problems caused by poor bonding during packaging, printing and other processes.
Forming and plasticity
The polylactic acid coating has a certain degree of flexibility and plasticity, which enables P+Series PLA Coated Kraft Paper to better adapt to the shape and structure of the mold during the forming process. This helps to reduce errors and scrap rates during the forming process and improve product quality and production efficiency.

P+Series PLA Coated Kraft Paper has significant advantages over traditional kraft paper in terms of printing and processing performance. These advantages not only improve the quality and efficiency of printed products, but also reduce production costs and environmental impact, which meets the current printing and packaging industry's demand for high quality, high efficiency and environmental protection. Therefore, P+ Series paper is expected to become one of the important materials in the future printing and packaging field.