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How to ensure the sealing and stability of the hydraulic system of the hydraulic clutch transmission?

1.Guarantee of sealing
Material selection and matching of sealing components
The sealing components of the hydraulic system, such as sealing rings, gaskets, etc., are the key to ensuring tightness. When selecting sealing components, you need to ensure that their materials match the working environment, such as oil resistance, temperature resistance, etc., to meet the working conditions of the system. In addition, the size and shape of the sealing element also need to be accurately matched to ensure that it can fit tightly on the sealing surface and prevent oil leakage.

Correct installation and positioning
When installing sealing components, it is necessary to ensure their correct installation position and direction to avoid distortion, deformation, etc. During installation, special tools should be used to avoid damage to the sealing components. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the sealing surface to ensure that there are no impurities and no oil stains to ensure the sealing effect.

Regular inspection and replacement
During long-term use, sealing elements will be affected by factors such as wear and aging, resulting in a decrease in sealing performance. Therefore, sealing elements need to be inspected and replaced regularly to ensure their sealing performance and working life. During the inspection and replacement process, the operating procedures should be strictly followed to avoid unnecessary damage to the system.

Prevent air from entering the system
It is crucial to prevent air from mixing into the hydraulic system of the hydraulic clutch transmission, because the presence of air may cause oil oxidation, bubble generation, system pressure fluctuations, and reduction in control accuracy, thus affecting the stability and performance of the entire transmission system. . Methods to prevent air from mixing into the hydraulic system include optimizing tank design, correct installation and operation, using exhaust valves and exhaust circuits, keeping the oil clean, regular inspection and maintenance, and using vacuum degassing technology.

2. Guarantee of stability
Proper design of hydraulic systems
When designing a hydraulic system, various parameters of the system need to be considered, such as pressure, flow, temperature, etc. According to the requirements of the system, select appropriate hydraulic components and arrange them reasonably to ensure stable system operation. At the same time, the safety of the system also needs to be considered, such as setting up safety valves, overload protection and other devices to prevent system overload or failure.

Choose high-quality hydraulic accessories
The quality and performance of hydraulic accessories have an important impact on the stability of the system. When selecting hydraulic accessories, you need to pay attention to their materials and manufacturing processes. Choosing accessories with solid materials and well-made workmanship can improve the connection strength and stability of the hydraulic system. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to the matching of accessories to ensure their compatibility with the system.

Control oil temperature
Excessively high oil temperature will cause problems such as a drop in oil viscosity and oil oxidation, which will affect the stability of the system. Therefore, measures need to be taken to control the oil temperature, such as setting up cooling devices and using appropriate oil. At the same time, it is also necessary to regularly check the working status of temperature detection devices such as oil thermometers to ensure their accuracy.

Keep oil clean
Impurities mixed in the oil will cause system blockage, increased wear and other problems, thereby affecting the stability of the system. Therefore, measures need to be taken to maintain the cleanliness of the oil, such as using oil filters and regularly replacing old oil. At the same time, during the assembly and maintenance process, various hydraulic components and pipes also need to be cleaned to ensure the cleanliness of the system.

Regular inspection and maintenance
During long-term use, the hydraulic system will be affected by various factors and cause failures. Therefore, the system needs to be checked and maintained regularly to detect and eliminate faults in a timely manner. During the inspection, attention should be paid to issues such as the sealing of the system, the tightness of the connections, and the cleanliness of the oil. At the same time, necessary adjustments and maintenance work are required on the system to ensure its stability and reliability.

The hydraulic system of a hydraulic clutch transmission requires a variety of measures to ensure its sealing and stability. The sealing of the system can be ensured by selecting appropriate sealing components, correct installation and positioning, regular inspection and replacement, and preventing air from mixing into the system; and by rationally designing the hydraulic system, selecting high-quality hydraulic accessories, controlling the oil temperature, and maintaining the oil Methods such as liquid cleaning and regular inspection and maintenance can ensure the stability of the system. The implementation of these measures will help improve the performance and reliability of the hydraulic clutch transmission hydraulic system.